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  在气候变化立法中应彰显国家核心利益原则。这不仅是因为气候变化已从各个方面触及到国家核心利益,如在领土完整、国家安全、国家主权以及可持续发展方面,而且也是因为国际气候变化谈判,以及国内气候变化制度安排与对外合作需要构建起一个衡量的 体 系 和 标 准。因 此,唯 有 彰 显 国 家 核 心 利 益 原 则,才 能 为 中 国 在联合国气候变化谈判中的话语权提供不可或缺的制度支持,才能在借鉴和创设不同温室气体减排与适应制度时做出正确的选择决断。


The Core Interests ofChinaand Climate Change Legislation: Between Principle and Norm

LYU Jiang   Liang Xiaofei  

Abstract: The principle of core interests should be included in climate change legislation. This is because that not only climate change relates to the core interests of China, including territorial integrity, national security, national sovereignty, and sustainable development, but also a balanced standard is needed among international climate change negotiations, domestic climate change institution arrangement, and external cooperation. Therefore, only to include the principle of core interests in climate change legislation, it can provide an important support forChina’s discourse power in UN climate change negotiations, and it can have a right choice among different institutions for GHG emission reduction.

Key words: national core interests; climate change; climate change law

吕江 梁晓菲:《国家核心利益与气候变化立法:在原则与规范之间》,载《吉首大学学报(社科版)》(CSSCI)2014年第4期,第34-40页。
